Shreenivas' Comments

Friday, December 28, 2007

Klueless 3 Konquered/Kompleted and Onsite

Finally completed Klueless 3!!!. It was awesome till it lasted. I have played all the "versions" of Klueless and I think all have been good. Although most of levels have sufficient hints in each puzzle but I used to check the Klueless blog for hints which were more helpful. Level 24 was the one level which took long long time to complete because I was going in the wrong direction and never looked in the other direction. Apart from that none of the other levels took that long. I thought level 25 was good because it was something technical which I found it to be my "home ground" :). If you want to play it go ahead and click here. Warning!! Play at your own risk since you will be totally addicted to it and you will have to sacrifice your work/study to complete it. Which I did. :-)

Btw, I am going to Houston, Texas next year i.e. 2008 :-). So next post probably from the "lone star state" i.e. Texas.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

India Bulls - The MultiBagger

I didnt know this but India Bulls is a multi bagger. I got it around 1 year back i.e. some time in oct-dec 2006 and woah! it has given me almost 500% returns for my investment. I always used to crib for not investing in the right stock but realised this after careful investigation of portfolio. Here is how it is a multi bagger.

20 shares of India Bulls (IB) @ 355 = 7178
got 20 shares of India Bulls real estate (IBR) @ zero cost
Current price of IB - around 915 = 18300
Current price of IBR - around 750 = 15000
Total = 33000
Gain = 33000/7178 = 4.63 = 463%!!!

After all I am not all that bad investor. am I? :-)