A Cloud Guru #CloudGuruChallenge: Improve application performance using Amazon ElastiCache - My Solution
My first attempt at #CloudGuruChallenge.
I loved the fact that the challenge requires us to us EC2, Redis, RDS (Postgresql) one of the most common scenarios in a typical web application.
Requirement: Improve the performance of a python web app by implementing Redis cache.
Environment: EC2 (web server), RDS (PostgreSQL), Cache (Elasticache - Redis), Python (flask)
- RDS - Creating PostgreSQL
- Login to AWS console and create stack in cloud formation.
- Upload template to create RDS.
- Open RDS in AWS console
- Note the database URL.
- Elasti cache - Redis
- Login to AWS console and create Elasticache cluster with Redis
- Provide the relavant details and create the Redis cache
- After the cache is created note the Primary Endpoint URL.
- EC2 provisioning
- Login to AWS console and create EC2 instance with defaults
- Note the public IP address
- Allow Redis cache to be only accessible from EC2
- Application installation on EC2 instance
- Login (SSH) to EC2 instance using the pem key and public IP address.
- Execute the commands to install:
- git (to download the source code)
- python3
- psycopg2, flask, configparser and redis modules (required for webapp)
- Run the following command to download the source code from github
- git clone https://github.com/ACloudGuru/elastic-cache-challenge.git
- Change directory to the source code folder and run the following command to create the stored procedure
- psql -h <DBURL> -U username -f install.sql <instanceid>
- Modify the database.ini file in the config folder with RDS database details
- Testing if everything is working file till now
- Run python3 app.py to run the app.
- Open another SSH console in cloud playground
- Type curl http://localhost:5000/
- Observe the Elaspsed time. Run it 3-4 times.
- Modifying the code to connect to Redis cache
- Add code in app.py to connect to redis and get/set values
- Before querying the database add code to check cache before querying database
- Run python3 app.py to run the app
- Open another SSH console in cloud playground
- Type curl http://localhost:5000/
- Observe the Elaspsed time. Run it 3-4 times.
Challenges/Learning in the above exercise
- Using cloud formation to create RDS stack helps to reduce time to create RDS everytime.
- Redis cache was new to me. Created a t2.micro instance to get started (My cloud playground was suspended because I chose t6 large! which was the default Sorry!)
- Had challenge for EC2 to access RDS. Modified security group of EC2 to have default security group.
- Redis cache really reduces the time required to fetch data and improves app performance significantly.
- Redis returns data in byte data type. Had difficulty in converting to string (UTF8)